Welcome DIPS Members!
Welcome to the Dubai International Private School (Al-Quoz) community. DIPS considers parents as partners in the children’s education; hence we look forward to your involvement in school’s events, projects and activities planned for students throughout the year as well as your suggested constructive feedback and suggestions.
DIPS Parent Council represents the entire school parent population. The aim of the Parent Council is to build and strengthen the community of parents and families within the school. With Parents help, DIPS is able to provide a wide variety of activities such as guest speakers, engaging in school trips and activities such as the International Food Festival, National Day, International Days, and so much more.

How can you get involved?
DIPS success is bounded by parent engagement. We offer opportunities for parents to volunteer and head numerous committees for organizing various events. Parents Council members are chosen through parents’ election in school. However, the school provides opportunities for all parents to volunteer in various kinds of activities and events.
If you wish to get involved, please send an email to nada.marzooqi@mydischool.com
DIPS Parents Council Members
Nada Al Marzooqi
Email: nada.marzooqi@mydischool.com
Najieyah Al Badoor
Email: najieyahalbadoor@gmail.com
Noora Mohammad
Email: noorakahoor@gmail.com
Salwa Khamis
Email: skmb036@gmail.com
Shuaa Al Matrooshi
Email: shuaa.ahmad@hotmail.com
Suha Al Mulla
Email: sohaalmulla@gmail.com
Nuha Abbas Sallam
Email: nuha.sallam@gmail.com
Fahad Al Shamsi
Email: f.alshamsi@gmail.com
Majdi Shehada
Email: majdi.shehada@hotmail.com
Rafeef Al Qaisi
Email: rafeefdxb@gmail.com